
Communiqué de Presse

GD Biotech est ravie de vous annoncer aujourd’hui la signature d’une licence exclusive avec la SATT Nord.   Cette licence marque l’accomplissement d’une collaboration de 3 ans avec la SATT Nord qui a pour vocation d’accélérer le transfert de technologies et de connaissances issues de la recherche publique vers les industriels.   Le projet baptisé CowBiot a abouti […]

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GD Biotech’s new publication!

GD Biotech is thrilled to share with you its latest publication entitled “ Molecular epidemiology, genetic diversity and transmission of the enteric protozoan parasite Blastocystis sp. In the Northern Egypt population”, published in Pathogens. With our longtime partner of the “Ecology and Pathophysiology of Intestinal Protozoa” team at Pasteur Institute of Lille, we are excited […]

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GD Biotech, lauréat Bpi!

GD Biotech, lauréat de l’appel à projets “Projets d’innovation en Hauts-de-France” du programme France 2030 ! 🎉 GD Biotech lance ainsi le projet “FrenchSeq”, en collaboration avec Axiom et INRAE Occitanie-Toulouse, pour une durée de 18 mois. Nous tenons à remercier Bpifrance et la Région Hauts-de-France pour la reconnaissance de ce projet innovant et ambitieux.

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EAAP 2023

Louise Brulin, PhD student at Gènes Diffusion/GD Biotech/ INRAE (UMR_GABI), participated to the Annual Meeting of EAAP in Lyon, on August the 30th 2023. It was the occasion for Louise to present her work entitled “Host genetics affect the composition of the lower gut microbiota in dairy cows”.

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Launch of MIRIAD Kit

GD Biotech is pleased to announce the launch of its MIRIAD kit with SAFE®Complete Care Competence MIRIAD is a multiplex serological test for the sanitary control of laboratory rodents in accordance with FELASA recommendations. To find out more, click here

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Venez rencontrer Rémi à l’AFSTAL 2023

Rémi Malbec, Responsable du développement de l’innovation chez GD Biotech, sera présent lors du 47° Colloque AFSTAL qui se déroulera à Bordeaux du 7 au 9 Juin prochain. Rémi interviendra le 7 Juin à 17h35 lors de l’atelier 4-SAFE pour présenter le test sérologique multiplexe MIRIAD qu’il a développé avec son équipe pour le contrôle […]

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Our latest publication !

Happy to share with you our newly accepted paper entitled ” Bact-to-Batch: A Microbiota-Based Tool to Determine Optimal Animal Allocation in Experimental Designs ” in collaboration with the animal platform PLETHA of the Pasteur Institute of Lille, the University of Lille and the Center of Infection and Immunity of Lille (CIIL). As gut microbiota variability […]

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Win 10 samples sequencing (16S or 18S) or 1 WGS.Results will be integrated in MICIV, our Data Visualization platform. What do you have to do? Like this post and write a little project proposal (10 lines max) for which the sequences will be used and send it to: Submission deadline April 28th 2023, 12pm.

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Welcome on board!

GD Biotech is committed to training by welcoming Amélie BOCQUET who is a student engineer in Bio-nanotechnologies. Amélie arrived this month and will spend 6 months with us as an intern to participate in the R&D development of a new multiplex-ELISA product. Find out more about her below ⬇ We welcome her and hope that […]

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Microbiota Insight Viewer

New version of MICIV

Discover our data visualization platform! Interested in microbiota? Looking for a tool to make sense of your data? MICIV (Microbiota Insight Viewer) is a personal interface for valorisation and visualization of microbiota data from high throughput sequencing. It is completely scalable to allow optimal use of microbiota analyses. The statistical analyses are performed by our experts […]

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