
[Our latest publication 🎉 ]

GD biotech is thrilled to share with you the new publication of Louise Brulin, phD student at GENES DIFFUSION/GD Biotech/INRAE (UMR_GABI) entitled ” The fecal microbiota of Holstein cows is heritable and genetically correlated to dairy performances.” This study, based on a large cohort of 1,875 lactating cows, investigates the genetic determinism of fecal microbiota composition […]

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Our latest Publication 🎉

GD biotech is thrilled to share with you the new publication of Louise Brulin, phDstudent at GENES DIFFUSION/GD Biotech/INRAE (UMR_GABI) entitled “Characterizationof bovine vaginal microbiota using 16S rRNA sequencing: associations with hostfertility, longevity, health, and production” This study marks an initial step towards a better understanding of the intimaterelationship between the vaginal microbiota and the dairy […]

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[GD Biotech LaurĂ©at au Sommet de l’Ă©levage 🎉]

GD Biotech est fier de faire partie des laurĂ©ats de cette Ă©dition 2024 des Sommets d’Or! Merci aux membres du jury d’avoir rĂ©compensĂ© notre innovation CowBiot®, outil de prĂ©diction de la longĂ©vitĂ© productive des vaches. Pour tout savoir sur CowBiot®, retrouvez la vidĂ©o rĂ©alisĂ©e pour l’occasion ! #microbiote #innovation #durabilitĂ©

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Welcome on Board !

In July 2024, Elodine has joined GD Biotech as System analyst/Application developer. Her main mission is to improve and maintain our IT tools used for production. Elodine has an engineering degree in computer science from EPITA, Paris, obtained in 2023.

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Our latest publication 🎉

GD biotech is thrilled to share with you the new publication of Louise Brulin, phD student at GENES DIFFUSION/GD Biotech/INRAE (UMR_GABI) entitled ” Bifidobacterium abundance in the fecal microbiota is strongly associated with milk traits in dairy cattle” This study shows the importance of considering the lower gut microbiota in the dairy industry. More information here

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New publication 🎉

GD biotech is thrilled to share with you its latest publication, in collaboration with its academic partner of the Pasteur Institute of Lille, entitled: “Large-Scale Molecular Epidemiological Survey of Blastocystis sp. among Herbivores in Egypt and Assessment of Potential Zoonotic Risk” This study strongly suggested that dietary habits likely played a significant role in influencing […]

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New publication 🎉

GD biotech is thrilled to share with you its latest publication, in collaboration with its academic partner of the Pasteur Institute of Lille, entitled: “Molecular Identification and Subtype Analysis of Blastocystis sp. Isolates from Wild Mussels (Mytilus edulis) in Northern France” This study showed an overall prevalence of 62% of Blastocystis parasite in wild mussels […]

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