Who are we?

Where do we come from?

Where do we come from?

GD Biotech is a spin-off of the Gènes Diffusion group, a leading European player in animal genetics and reproduction.

Corporate presentation

Corporate presentation

GD Biotech draws upon the skills of a multidisciplinary team (50% biotechnicians and 50% bioinformaticians), and has a portfolio of biotechnologies and bioinformatics tools.

Our playground

Our playground

Because the observable traits of living organisms are the result of genetic potential in a given context, our solutions cover DNA analysis (genotyping), biomarker detection (multiplex-ELISA) and environmental characterization (microbiota).

Your challenges ... our expertise

Your challenges ... our expertise

GD Biotech operates in the agricultural, food and environmental sectors. Our analysis and interpretation solutions are tailored to meet the needs of our customers. Through this “custom” intervention, we facilitate and accelerate the concrete use of your biological data.

Our advantages

Our advantages

Tools developed for concrete problems, tested for our own needs, comprehensive expertise from the collection of biological samples to the exploitation of analyses, human support close to your needs.


Meaning is everything…
GD Biotech’s mission is to give meaning to microbiota analysis. With us, there are no more mountains of data and indigestible reports. Our teams will support you as far as possible in generating, interpretating and exploiting your metagenomic data. To facilitate the analysis of microbiota fingerprints, we provide you with the entire continuum (from the sampling kit to the microbiota data visualization tools) allowing you to limit analysis bias while facilitating their exploitation.
Tested and approved
Our tools are the result of ten years of development and use in the field. This approach has been used successfully in many scientific collaborations (Audebert et al. 2016, Siegwald et al. 2019, Bello-Gil et al. 2019, etc.). They are configurable and adaptable to your study context. This approach saves interpretation time.
The advantages
  • an interactive and ergonomic visualization tool
  • a complete continuum from the collection tool to the visualization tool
  • a custom support from experiment design to interpretation
  • a real creation of value for you


© Innobiochips

© Innobiochips

A 100% exclusive know-how
The multiplexed ELISA is a GD Biotech exclusive, for quality control, pathogen detection, or phenotype collection applications in fields as varied as food processing, ecology and agriculture.

High Definition Technology
Multiplex-ELISA is based on the principle of ELISA tests, but parallelized for the simultaneous detection of dozens of biomarkers per analysis. This approach is made possible by the miniaturization of a probe array at the bottom of each well. Parallelization enables faster analysis throughputs and reduced labor, cost and sample consumption without compromising test performance.

Serious references
This technology has been used to monitor the immune response of pigs infected with different strains of porcine Coronavirus (Malbec et al., 2020). At the heart of the Covid-19 pandemic, our teams actively participated in the adaptation of the porcine coronavirus test for the development of the CoViDiag serological test, produced and commercialized by our partner Innobiochips. Today, this diagnostic test is routinely used by analytical laboratories (Laboratoires Biopath) and research teams to monitor the immune response to Covid-19 (Brochot et al., 2021).

Time, cost and labor.
High analysis rates.
Reduced sample consumption.
With standard laboratory equipment and skills.


Check out “MIRIAD” our kit to monitor health of laboratory rodents


As a genotyping major player in France, GD Biotech has a technical platform named GD Scan®  and dedicated to the production and exploitation of routine high-throughput genotyping data. GD Scan® platform uses the DNA chip technology developed by Illumina. 

Known, approved and recognized expertise
The quality of the data produced is recognized by the ISAG (International Society for Animal Genetics), and the platform systematically ranks highest after each inter-laboratory comparison (genotyping accuracy > 98%)
Our difference... for you
We distinguish ourselves by our ability to adapt to your constraints (biological matrix, deadline, etc.), unlike most service providers in this market. Our expertise is notably linked to the daily use of this technology as a support for genomic indexing of cattle for the partners of the Gènes Diffusion group.
The advantages
  • Years of experience in routine high-throughput genotyping
  • Support for the production of custom DNA chips (e.g. Pinus pinaster genotyping)
  • Development and implementation of targeted genotyping (qPCR)
  • More than 99% of users satisfied with our services (survey conducted in October 2021 with more than 60 users)


With over 35 years of experience in the field of animal semen quality, SemenEval opens up some of its expertise to support you.
Genetics is nothing without quality “seed".




Sperm acrosomal status

CASA (Computer Assisted Sperm Analysis)

Bacteriological analysis (total aerobic mesophilic flora)

16S ribotyping

Specific qPCR (on demand)



Our latest Publication 🎉

Our latest Publication 🎉

GD biotech is thrilled to share with you the new publication of Louise Brulin, phDstudent at GENES DIFFUSION/GD Biotech/INRAE (UMR_GABI) entitled…

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[MicroNor: Studying the microbiota of Normandy cows to improve production, disease resilience and longevity]

Gd Biotech is delighted to share its participation to this project! 20240925_Breve de présentation de MicroNor_ENDownload

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[GD Biotech Lauréat au Sommet de l’élevage 🎉]

[GD Biotech Lauréat au Sommet de l’élevage 🎉]

GD Biotech est fier de faire partie des lauréats de cette édition 2024 des Sommets d'Or! Merci aux membres du…

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Contact us

    GD Biotech - Lille

    Institut Pasteur
    1 Rue du Professeur Calmette
    59000 Lille
    GD Biotech - Loos
    Multiplex ELISA

    Bioincubateur Eurasanté
    70 Rue du Docteur Yersin
    59120 Loos
    GD Biotech - Douai

    Gènes Diffusion
    3595 Route de Tournai
    59500 Douai

    GD Biotech benefits from the “Crédit Impôt Recherche" approval, a support measure for companies' research and development activities.