🎉 🎉🎉🎉🎉GD biotech is thrilled to share with you the first publication of Louise Brulin, phD student at GENES DIFFUSION/GD Biotech/INRAE (UMR_GABI) entitled ” Characterization of bovine vaginal microbiota and its relationship with host fertility, health, and production “. This study represents a first step towards a better understanding of the close relationship between the vaginal and the […]
Welcome on board!
GD Biotech is committed to training by welcoming AmĂ©lie BOCQUET who is a student engineer in Bio-nanotechnologies. AmĂ©lie arrived this month and will spend 6 months with us as an intern to participate in the R&D development of a new multiplex-ELISA product. Find out more about her below ⬇ We welcome her and hope that […]
Congratulations Ruiwen He!
Ruiwen He defended his thesis on 24 November 2022, at ISA in Lille. The purpose of his thesis was to develop intelligent tools using artificial vision for the supervision of animal welfare. This work was financed by Junia, the Hauts-de-France Region and Gènes Diffusion / GDBiotech. Ruiwen was able to demonstrate the value of using artificial intelligence to process […]
Welcome on Board!
In April 2022, SĂ©golène joined GD Biotech as Scientific Business Developer to strengthen our team. We had the pleasure to work with SĂ©golène in the past, in the context of setting up collaborative projects. GD Biotech will benefit from her expertise on biotech, microbiology and knowledge of project fundings. SĂ©golène has a PhD in microbiology […]
Welcome on board !
In march 2022, Frank Bonardi is joining GD Biotech to strengthen our bioinformatic team. Franck is no stranger for us, as we had the pleasure of working with him in the context of a scientific collaboration that led to the publication of Genetic basis for virulence differences of various Cryptosporidium parvum carcinogenic isolates (Scientific Reports, […]