Welcome to the GD Biotech website! This new site will be the showcase for our expertise in biological analysis.
What is GD Biotech? Its team of 16 biologists and bioinformaticians with complementary skills helps you process your samples and give meaning to your data. From DNA and microbiota analysis to phenotype collection, our technological solutions are developed to “make your biological samples talk”.
With us, there are no more mountains of data and indigestible reports. Our teams will support you as far as possible in generating, interpretating and exploiting your metagenomic data. To facilitate the analysis of microbiota fingerprints, we provide you with the entire continuum (from the sampling kit to the microbiota data visualization tools) allowing you to limit analysis bias while facilitating their exploitation.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about our services. In the meantime, enjoy your visit to our site..